Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to get rid of acne for good

« ...Before we can discuss the best acne cure or treatment, you must understand that acne is your body's way of telling you something else is wrong on the inside. Something is out of balance, and the formation of acne is a result of your body's efforts to regain that balance....
...Most teenagers are affect with acne due to hormonal changes. The change in hormonal activity causes an overproduction in the sebum resulting in clogged pores and inflammation....»
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«...Active ingredients in creams also may make a difference in the type that is chosen to combat acne. The most common active ingredient found in acne creams is benzoyl peroxide. The amount in the cream should be small for mild to moderate acne, because too much of this can dry out the skin and lead to other complications later on. Most creams in stores are about 2 or 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. For more severe acne, a higher concentration, such as a 10% solution may be recommended by a dermatologist. Alcohol is another common ingredient. Much like benzoyl peroxide, you will find this in your acne creams in very minute amounts because using it too much in the cream would dry out the skin. It is important to know that you should always try acne treatments on a small portion of skin because their is a chance that your skin may be allergic to the chemicals within the acne cream....»
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tags: acne skin healing cream, natural way to treat acne, top consumer review acne

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