Monday, August 4, 2008

Skin care for adult acne and pills for acne anti biotics

Diet : If you have not noticed by now, then make notes for next week. Notice how your acne outburst happens when you tends to eat oily/junk food or spicy food. Some food cause this more than anothers and its different for everyone. I highly recommend you to make a diet notebook and notice how it effects your acne problems.
Speak to your dermatologist about the kind of cleanse you must use. Buy one that suits your skin type.
Tip: Toothpaste, yes thats right toothpaste, it has an active ingredient inside that helps to reduce the swelling of spots and redness, whenever we use to get a spot, burn, redness, bruise we always applied toothpaste it helped a lot.
tags: acne prone skin best natural moisturizer, best acne cream, foods to eat that remove acne marks

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